Upper Sixth 1961

Eric Dunn sends a photograph of the Upper Sixth in 1961 with (some) names...

Upper Sixth 1961

Bonjour Michael,

Herewith the photo of what was perhaps the Upper 6th around 1961. I should be most grateful to have a more accurate date/event if there is still anyone out there of my vintage.

Those who I recall are as follows (Key: ? = first name forgotten. ?? = name forgotten)

Elevated Albert Richardson, ??, Steve Dowse, ??, Bruce Holden, ??, ??

Standing: Eric Dunn, Dudley Walker, ??, Ron Barton, ??, Pete Wilkins, Mick Thomas, Paddy Jenks, ? Fletcher, ??, ??, Cheese Houghton

Seated: ??, ??, Mick Duffy, Poyner, Paul Kiddle, ??, Dave Thompson.

With apologies to those who I have either forgotten or mis-identified

With best wishes to all OPs

Eric Dunn